NASFAA Regional Leadership Award

NASFAA Regional Leadership Award Annually, NASFAA seeks nominations for its "Regional Leadership Award.” Forms and information are provided to the President prior to the winter RMASFAA Board meeting. The President solicits nominees from the Board to submit to NASFAA. The Board of Directors votes by secret ballot to recommend a nominee to the President for submission to the NASFAA Awards Committee. Votes are counted and verified by the President, President-Elect, Past President and Vice President. The announcement of the recipient is made at the NASFAA Annual Conference and a plaque presented to the recipient at the next RMASFAA Annual Conference, following the NASFAA Conference. It should be noted that the RMASFAA Board of Directors' nomination carries no more weight than that of an individual RMASFAA member.
1989Bruce AndersonNorth Dakota State University
1990Mike JohnsonUtah Valley State College
1991Dick KoontzBethel College (KS)
1992Don SiemsenManhattan Area Technical College
1993Rita BaylessSt. Mary’s of the Plains College (KS)
1994John GrittsBlack Hills State University
1995Glenn ‘Skip’ SharpNorthwest Kansas Technical School
1996Robert WalkerCreighton University (NE)
1997Donna JohnsonNorwest Banks
1998Larry MoederKansas State University
1999Roger KoesterColorado School of Mines
2000Dean ObenauerCreighton University (NE)
2001Phil Van HornWyoming Student Loan Corporation
2002Bob NeasNorth Dakota State University
2003Sue WeinreisMontana State University - Billings
2004Sandy CalhounColorado State University
2005Joan ZandersNortheast Community College (NE)
2006Jim SwansonColorado College
2007Anthony LyonsDodge City Community College
2008Janet DodsonNSLP
2009Mick HansonUniversity of Montana
2010Cristi Easton MillardSalt Lake Community College (UT)
2011Mary SommersUniversity of Nebraska - Kearney
2012Jeanne MottBaker University (KS)
2013Terri GrubaUniversity of Montana
2014Brenda HicksSouthwestern College (KS)
2015Sharon KienowNorthern State University (SD)
2016Darry VoigtCasper College (retired)
2017Carolyn HalgersonSouth Dakota State University
2018Art YoungUtah State University
2019David MartinSouth Dakota School of Mines and Technology
2021Ken KocerMt Marty University (SD)
2022Joseph DonlayColorado State University
2023Myra PfannenstielNewman University (KS)
2024Janet RiisCarroll College (MT)