Summer Institute

Summer Institute 2025 - June 1-5, 2025   
Wichita State University, Wichita, KS

Campus Map   |  SI Campus Parking  |  Rhatigan Student Center Map  |  Things to do in Wichita

What:  RMASFAA's Summer Institute is a nationally recognized week of training for financial aid administrators.  Registrants are divided into classes and each class is led by two instructors.  The curriculum follows the NASFAA U modules for the various Title IV aid topics; however, other non-Title IV topics are also covered. Fun, engaging activities, and networking outside the classroom are also part of this valuable experience! 

When:  June 1 - 5. 2025 (Class begins in the late afternoon on Sunday and the week concludes with a banquet on Thursday evening.)

Where:  Wichita State University, Wichita, KS  - Campus Map
   Getting there:  Google maps, Airport

Who There are tracks for multiple levels of expertise from Neopyhte to Directors (or aspiring Directors).    Many members attend Summer Institute more than once to continue to expand on their level of knowledge and understanding.  

Why:  Those who have attended Summer Institute often reflect on the experience as pivotal in their careers in financial aid.  Participants not only dive in-depth into numerous topics in financial aid but also make lasting friends and colleagues.  Participants are given the opportunity to earn at least one NASFAA U credential for a discounted rate as part of their attendance at SI.

Cost:                            *On Campus     Commuter
RMASFAA Member           $800                  $700
(After May 3rd )                 $900                  $800

Non-Member                      $900                  $800
(After May 3rd )                 $1,000               $900  

*On Campus includes housing from Sunday night (6/1) through Thursday night (6/5).
Additional night availability at additional charge

All packages include meals Sunday evening dinner through breakfast on Friday with the exception of Wednesday evening meal (on your own).